
coffee table book design

Book cover with nick knight photograph of man and red paint


book sleeve with text wrapping the edges on black background
Animation of page layouts for nick knight book, bold text and vibrant images
Page of a coffee table book with red image
Screen printed text on book insert
Book spine for nick knight book

questioning why?

Family, tradition and accessibility are at the core of Eddy K's values. This spans from the neutral colours scheme, to the serif/sans serif typography combinations and variety of shapes used to mask and identify collections.

The brand was set on keeping its original Eddy K logo but wanted to revamp the brand. By creating the star emblem (build off the stem on the E for Eddy) a recognizable and emotive symbol was born that could be used on many modes of application.

A new logo for the ITALIA and MILANO COUTURE are created to make a more cohesive connection between the 6 logos.