
website design proposal

polaroid of cut out letters on orange background with ripped paper

ux/ui design

Mobile design for menu events and about us page for skateboarding organization
Ripped piece of paper in orange
A.skate text

questioning why?

The website required a complete restructuring of its site map. Understanding the users who were likely to frequent the site was crucial to designing a flow that would simplify and ease their journey.

Donating and finding an event are the key features of the site, in order to make both those attainable they were put right in the menu! Accessible at all times.

The design was inspired the spirit of skateboarding, a sport built on learning from your mistakes. The concept of A.skate was to give all kids a chance to learn something both physical and challenging. Allowing them to look beyond what they know of themselves, this idea of layering is shown by the ripped pages.


explosive & playful

The result is an expressive and engaging site that uses strong imagery and energetic colours to entice movement.

The black and white imagery gives more emotion to the contents of the photo and the bold typography allows for quick and easy navigation and digestion of information.